
"I wish Foggy Bottom would flood instead"

Title stemming from a disgruntled grad student who shall remain nameless. Per my well placed sources (J interns at a G-Town marketing firm) and confirmed by TBD...

the waterfront is underwater!

Que loco.
Oh my heavens!

It's clearly unfortunate and costly but on an inappropriate/meaningless/self-obsessed note (aren't those fundamental blogger characteristics?), I couldn't think of anything in Georgetown I'd miss. There isn't much in the commercial area that I value. While G and I have taken Watson for some nice walks by the now submerged waterfront

Unrelated photo of Watson looking like a banshee following a short walk. The lil Rapscallion.

and Dumbarton Oaks, the University, and the residential areas are - without a doubt - lovely. BUT the bars themselves are full of people who's definition of a cool bar is fundamentally opposed to mine (and feel overwhelmingly of the indefensible conservative persuasion) and stumbling co-eds and I have yet to find a restaurant in Georgetown with legitimately good food that I can afford (although admittedly I have heard good things about Tackle Box).

Ok now that I've sounded like a grumpy, old man ...

I'm getting back to work/stata (The below is kinda how I feel about my data right now)

which for the five minutes before my rant was actually reading this (This Tech Bubble is Different - Bloomberg BusinessWeek) which I found interesting. It's always intriguing what a generation's "best and brightest" want to do with their careers and why.

All in all, I wish more of them would go on to do things like this Gal - http://xkcd.com/ and create such works of art as this...

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