
Rambling Woman

G and I are having an intensely busy week between school, attempting to catch each other on Skype, work, important grad school decisions, being super popular, getting in demo derby shape (I realized on Wednesday while on the exercise bike - right before my pilates class with a very gay man named Joel - reading the economist, drinking from my Klean Kanteen, watching CNN blare from surrounding TVs, and BBMing friends about grabbing a salad at SweetGreen later that I was turning into an utterly terrible DC cliche. At least I wasn't wearing trendy lulumon attire. Thank god for old East Lansing volleyball t shirts.), watching basketball games, etc.

We promised ourselves that we would regularly blog and are already realizing how difficult it is to carve out time to do things like, oh I don't know, compare every major English poet to a contemporary basketball coach. I guess this is why people twitter. Juliette?

Regardless, of lack of time, I have been reading about this today. Breathlessly. Good thing I have a super smart anthropology/musuem-studies-guru friend (who also AWESOMELY sent me this piece of brilliance today). Yes, as reported in Science Magazine, it turns out my caveman boyfriend isn't as Asian as I thought. bahaha. Gen what does this mean for the future of your Man Cave? I guess that likely warrants an entire blog entry in itself.

Anyhow, originally I was going to write to cheer on this "we'll see you in court you ignorant fascists" post and rant about reproductive health rights but I'm a bit busy at work in relation to this attended yesterday and will have to let the ACLU do my ranting for me.


Have a wonderful weekend! I'm getting back to work and daydreaming about eventually living here with the aforementioned caveman ...

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